Your Love Never Fails

Mar 23, 2017


As worship leaders, sometimes we can see a song in an upcoming set and think, “uh, not this one again, it’s so old,” or “It’s too fast,” or “It’s too slow.”  

And, like God only has the power to do, sometimes that is the song that hits you square in the face and brings you to your knees.

This weekend at Parkview Christian Church , we are doing an oldie, but a goodie, One Thing Remains. I feel like I’ve sung it a million times. I’ve sung the melody. I’ve sung the harmony. I’ve played it on the guitar. I’ve played it on the piano. I know this song. And sometimes, when we’ve known something for a long time, we take it for granted.

Like a popular Bible verse, or the act of prayer; we can let familiarity and pride get in the way and begin to think that it’s something we’ve mastered.

Been there, done that, read the book,…literally.

But then God gently steps in and, with a small whisper says, “Yes, you do know this, and yet, you still need this; you still need the reminder.”

There are a couple of verses in Psalms I highlighted a long time ago that speak to this. I even remember where I was when I wrote a question mark in the margins thinking to myself, “what is wrong with these people?” They read:

“They forgot what He had done, the great wonders He had shown them…” (Psalm 78:11)


“They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt…” (Psalm 106:21) (emphasis mine)

It’s easy to read those Old Testament stories and, as an outsider looking in think, “God literally just rescued you. He literally just healed you; how could you have forgotten how powerful He is already ?”

But if we’re honest, that is us. We say we believe in His unconditional love, then when it is in question in our own lives, we doubt Him.

We share testimonies of miraculous healing, then when we are struck yet again with a health problem, we question His healing power.

We memorize Bible verses on His ability to transform the human heart, (like what He did with Paul) then when a spouse, family member, or friend betrays us, we see it as a lost cause.

This week, I needed the reminder of the song, One Thing Remains. The simple truth of:

Your love never fails

Never gives up

Never runs out on me

Prior to rehearsal, I had been feeling discouraged, battling the same old demons.

The morning after rehearsal, I woke up with this song in my head and those three lines repeating over and over and over again. I woke up feeling changed. I knew healing had come yet again. God had answered my prayers for the billionth time.

His love never fails

He never gives up

His saving power, healing power, wonderful gifts…all of it, will never run out. He will never run out.

As the Psalmists puts it, may we always be mindful of His unfailing love and live in total and complete reliance on His faithfulness.  (Psalm 26:3).

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